Substance Use Disorder is everyone's problem. And we are here to fight it.

ACCESS presents "Voices for Change," a campaign dedicated to unveiling the real stories and facts about substance use. We believe in a world where everyone is informed, compassionate, and proactive.

Society often paints a one-sided picture of substance use, leading to misunderstandings, stigma, and isolation for those affected.

Learn about the dangers of substance use disorder and drug addiction, and discover how you can make a difference.

Why Awareness?

Substance use disorder and addiction can impact individuals, families, and communities.

Take Action

Join us in raising awareness and promoting a healthier, drug-free future.

Get Help

NARCAN Can Save A Life

NARCAN Nasal Spray is used to reverse the life threatening effects of opioid overdose. Since most accidental overdose occur in a home setting, it was developed for first responders. as well as family, friends, and caregivers and requires no specialized training.

Our Campaign

Get Help and Support Now

ACCESS provides provides comprehensive assistance and support for individuals and families affected by Substance Use Disorder. We offer a range of resources and programs designed to help you on your journey to recovery.

Together, We Can Change the Conversation.

Join "Voices for Change" and be a beacon of understanding, compassion, and action.